A Complete Dental Line:
he Enamel plus Line was founded over 20 years ago, in cooperation with Dott. Lorenzo Vanini, transforming our Company from distributor to manufacturer, from importer to exporter. From the theory of the 5 dimensions of color and the layering technique of Dott. Lorenzo Vanini, in 1995 Micerium gives birth to the composite ENAMEL PLUS HFO. During the following years, this material, developed together with other complementary products, improves its characteristics, until the introduction in 2008 of ENAMEL PLUS HRi, the first composite in the world, and still the only one, with the same index of refraction of natural enamel. Today the Enamel Plus system is complemented by Bio Function, the new biocompatible composite that combines the characteristics of abrasion resistance similar to natural enamel, the aesthetics of modern restoration systems, an ideal workability and greater biocompatibility thanks to the innovative organic and inorganic components.
Micerium Dental
Explore the products Aesthetics
The Enamel plus system is completed with the new biocompatible Bio Function composite that combines the characteristics of abrasion resistance similar to natural enamel, the aesthetics of modern restoration systems, ideal workability and greater biocompatibility thanks to the innovative organic components and inorganic.

Micerium Dental
Discover the products for Laboratory
We offer a wide range of instruments, materials and devices for a state-of-the-art, high-performance dental laboratory.
Micerium Dental
Discover the products for Laboratory
We offer a wide range of instruments, materials and devices for a state-of-the-art, high-performance dental laboratory.