Third Class
Appliance for the Angle skeletal Class III treatment. It corrects the third skeletal classes ripositioning the Class I key jaw.
It is indicated in Class III dysmorphosis for the mandibular pseudo-prognathic treatment. It is also indicated for inverse and anterior open bite. It is suitable to procure the arches correct functioning in a regular incisive key relationship, through the upper teeth obtained position in an inner sliding plane and, on the contrary, applying a posterior pressure on the inferior arch, to stop the mandibular growth action. It reconditions the anterior segment, controlling dysfunctional muscle forces with a proper labial competence restoration. It is also indicated for a dysfunctional tongue re-education in a correct rest posture and in correct swallowing
- It is used in deciduous, mixed and permanent dentition
- Functional, orthopedic and osteopathic action
- It corrects the arches deviations with a cranio-cervical-mandibular system improvement
- It unlocks the occlusion balancing the TMJ and corrects the midline lines
- It corrects the dysfunctional bad habits
- It positions the tongue in a correct posture at the palatine spot
- It improves swallowing and the nasal breathing in oral breathers
- It eliminates any interference of the tongue and dysfunctional orbicular muscles on the teeth
- It is indicated for thumb sucking
- It determines a teeth pre-alignment